After over 100 BIN installations in the Pansat clones and in Sonicviews, I can comfortably say that not once have I needed to put in a factory BIN, nor have I needed a factory reset. Again, even for that procedure, I found it easy enough to install a 280T or 281T and then install 289T or 290T. If loading a new BIN fails, you may need to add the factory BIN first and then install the new BIN. Even with a Blind scan, on two different types of receivers, I found that ZeeTV was missing, and I had to add it later using a TP scan. I find it best to do a 'Blind scan' and turn auto update off. So you definitely do not need a factory reset or factory BIN. Posted on Saturday, Febru15:45 GMTScanning: Nirmit and Ken - you obviously have some channels and missing others. Like I said, I am fairly new at this with very minimal knowledge on all of this, if someone could provide me with step by step guidance on how to perform this task, I would greatly appreciate it. My question is that being a Fortec running as a Pansat clone, would I need to install the Fortec factory bin or the Pansat factory bin, and would conducting a factory reset, remove the Pansat 2500A clone software from it, or will that still be there. I would like to do a factory reset on my Fortec Star Lifetime Ultra receiver which is running as a Pansat 2500A clone with the 289T bin.

Posted on Friday, Febru19:38 GMTHi, I am fairly new at programming my receiver and was hoping to get some advice.

All clients of Xtream Codes are subject to the following terms of service: *REGISTRATION. Xcodes IPTV Panel provides Software with Lfetime, unlimited License. Fortec Star Software, free fortec star software software downloads. Factory reset, remove the Pansat 2500A clone software from it, or will that still. I would like to do a factory reset on my Fortec Star Lifetime Ultra.

You plug that into the Fortec, select the USB menu, and follow the instructions. When you've downloaded the Fortec file and unzipped it you save it to your computer and from there copy it to the USB 'stick'. To unzip a file you need a piece of free software that you can download.